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Country Clipper 2014 Model year preview
Only minor changes this year, after last years re-design. There are no new models this year, though the Commander did get re-named to the Defender before it was put into production. There are, however, some new accessories for this year. Keep reading to find out more.
of the changes is to the position of the rear anti-scalp rollers. They have been
moved forward a little. This makes the deck easier to lift, and causes no impact
to performance.
Another small change is the Charger's weight distribution has been adjusted. When the Charger was first introduced, it didn't come with a rollbar standard. In 2012, OPEI (Outdoor Power Equipment Industry) standards changed, requiring a rollbar for mowers in the Charger's weight range and heavier. This shifted the weight distribution, and slightly diminished the Charger's excellent hillside performance. We're glad to see that performance restored.
The only other "big" change is to the horsepower numbers on Kohler and Briggs and Stratton Engines. The engines themselves haven't changed at all, just the horsepower numbers on the sticker. You'll see the horsepower ratings come down a little, but the engine itself hasn't changed, just the way they calculate the horsepower.
New Accessories
Two new big accessories this year. The first is a handrail. This will make getting on and off mowers a lot easier and safer for the elderly and individuals with disabilities or physical impairments.
The other new accessory this year is a new jack. The previous incarnation of the deck jack had a lot of extra plates that had to be mounted to the jack. The new jack is just the jack, and one extra pin. Also, the new jack has a 3/4" hex shaft at the top so you can use an impact gun to make flipping the deck really easy!
Also, the Power Lift electric deck lift, previously exclusive to 72" BOSS machines, is now available as an accessory for any Country Clipper mower except the Wrangler.