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Are Country Clipper Mowers any Good on Hills?

How do Country Clipper mowers perform on hills?

Country Clipper mowers perform as good or better on hills than other zero turn mowers in the same class.

Country Clipper mowers are designed from the start to be balanced front to back and side to side. They need to be in order to flip the deck up, and a side effect of this is improved stability on hills and slopes. Other features of Country Clippers mowers also contribute to hillside performance as well, such as the gas tank. The single gas tank on a Country Clipper is located under the seat. Most competing brands use two separate tanks mounted high on each side. Moving the weight of a full tank of fuel down and towards the center of the mower lowers the center of gravity, which makes the mower harder to tip over.

Our shop has a hill with a 20+° slope out front. Over the years (before we started selling Country Clipper mowers) we've mowed that hill with anything from an old Farmall A with a belly mower, a traditional garden style mower, to an old green and yellow front deck. Most of those other mowers would only mow that hill if you went straight down it - and it didn't feel safe even at that. Now we mow that hill with a Country Clipper Charger. It will go up, down, across, and (unless the grass is very wet) spin around on it.

If you have steep hills you need to mow, DeMott Enterprises recommends the Charger. The Charger has the best balance of size to weight for maximum traction and balance on hills.

Watch the following video to see for yourself how Country Clipper mowers perform on hills.

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