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Shivvers standard Channel-Lock Floor with its 23% open area is one more key feature that sets Shivvers dryers apart from other in-bin continuous flow dryers. It has an 8” plank with a patented center rib design which gives the appearance of two 4” planks side-by-side. This rib gives far greater strength especially with the In-Bin Continuous Flow Drying Systems and deep depth aeration applications.
Shivvers floors with their generous open area aid in defeating the static pressure problems incurred with higher grain depths and multiple fan situations.
Shivvers Steel Floor Supports are ideal for use under drying and storage floors. Rails are made with a channel opening on the underside that accepts the support legs. The legs snap into place for ease of installation. Rails are tied together at predetermined spacings to maintain the strength required under grain depths of up to 30 feet (16 feet for Circu-Lators). The narrow design allows maximum airflow with a minimum of obstruction.