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heavy duty basic Continuous Flow Augers are up to the challenge of moving
hundreds of thousands of bushels of grain annually. As grain is lifted by the
Center Vertical Auger, it is deposited in the Center Vertical Boot. Here, the
Continuous Flow Auger picks it up and further elevates it to the top of the next
bin by the Transfer Auger where it is dropped through a downspout and into the
cooling bin.
When a third, fourth or multiple bins are used in the system, you may need to add a Horizontal Transfer Auger with possible drop outlets to fill the various bins. All Transfer Augers are automatically controlled by the CompuDry Command Center. All Shivvers Performance System are equipped with 6” Continuous Flow Augers, Grain Sample Valves, which allow grain sampling from the ground when transferring, a motor and pulley, roof braces and truss, which free spans exceed 60’.
Shivvers heavy duty continuous-flow transfer augers are capable of moving hundreds of thousands of bushels of grain annually. As grain is lifted in the bin by the center vertical auger, it is deposited in the center vertical boot. From there, the continuous-flow transfer auger picks it up and further elevates it to the top of the next bin where it is dropped through a downspout into the cooling bin, or into a horizontal hopper and then transferred through the horizontal transfer auger to your additional storage bins.
The continuous-flow transfer auger is constructed of heavy-duty fliting with a 1 ¼ ” shaft and 14-ga. galvanized tube. It’s powered by a motor ranging from 1 to 5 hp depending on the auger's length. A conical roof boot provides a watertight mounting between the transfer auger and drying bin roof. All Shivvers Performance Systems are equipped with 6” and 8" continuous-flow transfer augers. Hanger Bearing Augers are also available in 6" and 8".
The Automatic Transfer feature is also available for multiple augers to clean out each auger so that they will not have to start full of grain.
When multiple bins are used in the system, you may need to add additional horizontal transfer augers with drop outlets to fill the various bins. All horizontal transfer augers are automatically controlled by the COMPUDRY™ Command Center.
The Shivvers Jumpster auger offers the flexibility you need for grain handling after drying. Jump from the horizontal unload auger to a grain transfer device, whether an air transfer, elevator leg, loop, or transfer auger. It’s designed with an 8” unloader and is adjustable to virtually any angle from vertical to horizontal, or from straight away from the drying bin to a 90° angle to the right. The Jumpster is available in convenient lengths of 5’, 10’ and 20’ to fit practically any application. Auger extensions can be added for additional length.
Commonly referred to as a truck auger, the vertical unload auger provides a tremendous advantage when unloading dried grain from the drying tank into a truck. It eliminates the need for an auxiliary transport auger. Add a 4-ft extension (shown with auger at left) for loading those extra tall trucks.